Monday 16 July 2012

My FLaminGo'S PatTeRNs for ThE BiDdLE SaWYer SiLkS CanVas ToTe BaG ComPetitiON

The task was given to us in our university. 
To come up with 4 designs for the canvas tote bag.

I fell in love with FLaminGoS, the shape of the neck and skinny legs, 
their colour and finally their expression in their faces.

Here are some of my repeat patterns.

Hand-drawed and spaces coloured in Photoshop.

Hand-drawed and repeated in Photoshop.

Hand-drawed and flipped in Photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. Kohoutková by byla z tebe přímo nadšená!!!to poslední je drsný! :)
